Nietzsche's Angel Food Cake
Rebecca Coffey
October 2013 saw the publication of NIETZSCHE’S ANGEL FOOD CAKE: And Other Recipes for the Intellectually Famished. Many of the “recipes” first appeared in McSWEENEY’S INTERNET TENDENCY, THE RUMPUS, THE REVOLVING FLOOR, and other literary and humor journals. An album of fully-orchestrated readings of “Ayn Rand’s Headcheese,” “Anais Nin’s Hot Cross Buns,” “James Joyce’s Spotted Dick,” “Dorothy’s Parker House Rolls,” and other scrumptious delights is also available from iTunes.
Paperback ISBN: 978-0985403423
Hardbound ISBN: 978-0985403430

Acclaim for Nietzsche's Angel Food Cake
"Like good sausage, or a breakfast I once had in Manilla, Rebecca Coffey's new book is filled with things I can't describe and maybe don't want to know about. I only know it's wonderful."
"Oh my God, I love these! More! More! More! This will appeal to foodies and literary types, and will stretch the boundaries of the 'cookoir' genre, for sure."
--Erika Penzer Kerekes, Food Columnist, L. A. Examiner
"So brilliantly funny—and insane, obsessive, sprawling, vivid, satisfying, and lush."
--Dee LaDuke, Writer, Girlfriends and Designing Women
"Absolutely fantastic stuff!"
--Binnie Klein, Radio Host, A Miniature World, WPKN-FM
"Hilarious, smart, intensely literary, and delicious in every way."
--Elissa Bassist, Humor and Women's Literature Editor, The Rumpus.
Author Rebecca Coffey
Rebecca Coffey has contributed science journalism to Scientific American, Discover, Forbes, Salon, The New York Daily News, The Chicago Tribune, The Seattle Times, JSTOR Daily, Dame, Psychology Today, Vermont Public Radio, and the Genetic Literacy Project. She has appeared on syndicated talk shows like WNYC’s The Takeaway, WAMC’s 51 Percent, Fox News’ Happening Now, The Bob Edwards Show, The Jim Bohannon Show, The Stephanie Miller Show, NPR’s Air Talk with Larry Mantle, and on major-market programs produced by NPR affiliates in New York, Boston, Hartford, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Albany, and Indianapolis. She regularly speaks at colleges and universities, at conferences, and on podcasts and was an invited presenter at the 50th Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association in Buenos Aires, where she discussed her fact-based, historical novel Hysterical: Anna Freud’s Story.